Land and Sea
This first Gallery presents a series of collections: each a reflection of places or ideas. Their common theme is the near-absence of human involvement, although I am the first to acknowledge that most landscapes, particularly in the more densely populated parts of Europe, almost inevitably reflect the influence of man at some stage in their past. I have grouped each image into collections that show different aspects of our natural world. But I hope that together, they offer a sense of looking over my shoulder as I travel the world. I also hope that some of these images will encourage you to pause, if only for a short moment, to enjoy the moment as I did . I hope you will appreciate, not only the light falling on the land, but also hear pounding waves or the noisy chatter of birds, smell the salt spray and seaweed, and feel the bone-chilling cold of Arctic ice. We live on an extraordinarily beautiful planet. I hope these images will remind you of this and how much we have to lose if we do not take better care of our world, especially for generations of people as yet unborn.