Form and Function
Architecture creates the urban landscapes where most of us live, work and spend much of our lives today: a 2022-23 survey (IBISWorld) estimates that 84.4% of the British population now lives in an urban environment. One of the key aspects of designing a building or piece of civil engineering is to strike a balance between the elegance or boldness of its design and the utility of the structure itself. I am not an architect but this does not stop me from admiring the drama and daring of many public buildings and being intrigued by how we interact within our ‘built environments’. This collection reflects this interest and my hope to see greater imagination in the ways we design homes and work spaces for future living. And with an eye on the past, as well as the present, I hope these images ask questions about where the balance lies between ‘form and function’.


Coaldrops Yard

Time Stands Still


City of Light

All Aboard

Painting Never Ends

Forth Fog

Old and New

Big Wheel

Rails and Platforms

King's Cross Lattice